Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Thought for the day

Awaken every morning looking out at the greatness of Nature with Faith and be one with It .  Let it blanket you with its richness and inspire you to do great things with the abilities you are gifted with.
Every day is a new beginning for us to discover and complete.
Don't waist time on Yesterday while Today is of the essence.  What we do today can impact Tomorrow.
Think positive thoughts and know that Faith will make you strong and bring all you ask for.  It may not be immediate or on our Time Line but with patience, if we do our part and work towards it, we will be rewarded and it will come to pass.
Don't let the obstacles stop you but use them as learning tools to overcome in victory.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

My Birthday Poem for my Mummy

Cherished pictures in my eyes
She stand erect her head upheld
Looking at the clear blue skies
Her arms upheld and stretched up high
Like a willow in the summer breeze,
'B e a u t i f u l', I hear her cries
Clear and loud as bells that peel.

Cherished pictures in my mind,
We sit in bed side by side
She tells me stories o her past
And reads me letters of her youth
The words flow softly
Some with joy and some with grief
Like a poets tales of days gone by.

Cherished pictures in my heart
Of Christmas nights and Easter days
And all the joys at my Birthdays
Of bedtime kisses and happy morns
With her embraces sweet and warm.

Cherished notions in my thoughts
She is strong as a mountain
She is fragile as a flower
She can change her course
Like a bird in flight
And paint her moods
From the chill of a winters night
To the warmth of the summer sun

Cherished words from deep inside
It is my Mummy of whom I speak
The one I love with all my heart
And every day I say the Prayer
Thank you God that I am hers
And keep her with me for many years.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


In the drawer of our lives God created partitions for all that makes us whole.
For our body, our mind, our senses.
He gave us the tools to control and manage them as we wish.
For good or destruction.
But most fragile of all, our emotions, the tools for which we search, so often in vain.
Longing is the most punishing pawn God has placed in our drawer of emotions. 
It surfaces when it is not wanted and cannot be found when it is needed.
There is a curse bestowed on those of us who have been raised to feel we have failed.
The fear of failure makes us run after that which we have failed in and endeavor to improve it.
Rather than turn to that which is our strength, we hold on with a death grip, nursing our failures, endeavoring to transform them into a masked success.
Instead let go.
Enjoy the success of that we feel we can accomplish.
It is the constant search for approval and the need to demonstrate that we have not failed which  magnetizes us to our failures, repeatedly trying to repair them. 
Failure is the human frailty which exists in even the most capable.
Therefore to bide with failure is fruitless.
Enjoy the mountains we can climb rather than dwelling on those we can’t.
In doing so, we prove not only to others, but more importantly, to ourselves, that we are not failures.   We are human.
All humans have weaknesses.
All humans have abilities.
The gift is recognizing them.
The power to accept what we cannot do and know what we can, gives us a sense of accomplishment and the sense of self worth to know we are not failures and can be an example to others.
Use our failures to humble us but wear our accomplishments with pride to make us strong.
For with our successes we can be of use to others and proud within ourselves.
Do not accept what others see as your failures, alternatively channel them into your strengths.
Realize the consequence of your failures on others and above all, yourself.